Shelter Services

Shelter services are managed in two stages. At circle level project manager monitors the progress of schedule, at head office level, central coordinator coordinates with all project managers for dispatch requirements, resource utilization, support for increased project load, quality checks and coordination between project and factory. Project manager with the supervisory team at his disposal makes sure that the progress is as per target dates committed to customer, same targets are monitored by central coordinator to facilitate project manager to achieve the target dates with all compliances.

1. Team Skill Set
Experienced supervisors
Experienced installation teams
Teams having knowledge of drawing and BoM.

2. Supervision
Each site is supervised by TNS supervisor.

3. Major Checks
Levelling of shelter floor
Air gaps should not be present.
Flooring should be even.
Rivetting should be evenly done and 100%.
Sealing of joints done neatly (both inside & outside)
Working of door lock, closer & stopper.
Sunshades provided with proper slope.
Shelter ladder fixed properly with shelter
Shelter base support (ISMB, plates) fixed properly.
